Dr. Artem Imnadze, DPT Are you Treating the Problem or The Result? Shoulder “problems” are incredibly common amongst the athlete and active adult population that we see. As therapists, we see traditional diagnoses such as shoulder impingement, tendonitis, and rotator cuff injuries daily. Traditionally, these common issues are blamed on weak rotator cuff muscles, scapular […]
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Ditch The Theraband To Build A Confident Shoulder
Dr. Colin Butler, DPT, ATC The foremost principle that guides rehabilitation is the SAID Principle – or “Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands”. Simply put, this principle of physiology tells us that our body adapts to the specific demands that are placed upon it. Perform enough aerobic exercise and your heart adapts by increasing the […]
Read MoreYour Scapula Is NOT Dysfunctional
Dr. Leor Giladi, CSCS, CF-L2 I think we can all agree that shoulder pain sucks. Personally, I use my arms all of the time. To put on clothes, shower, feed myself, drive, lift weights, do pushups, write this article, and a whole lot more. If you’re anything like me, you do too. There are […]
Read MoreTop 5 Exercises For Instant Shoulder Pain Relief
Dr. Shannon Russell, DPT, CSCS, USAW-1 Shoulder pain is a commonality amongst many; from our high level athletes, to our weekend warriors, and everyone in between. Despite being such a common complaint, there are a variety of reasons and causes why someone might be experiencing shoulder pain. Some of the most common causes can include: […]
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